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Timothy S. Whalen
  Representative for County Board Distric
t I


I was born and raised in Freeport, IL where I attended First Ward (where the Freeport Police Station is located now), Jane Addams, Taylor Park, Carl Sandburg Middle, Freeport JR High,  and graduated from Freeport High School in 1985. In High School I played on the Golf & Baseball teams. I attended DeVry University in Lomard IL where I graduated from their Electronics Program with a 3.7 GPA. I also attended both Highland Community College and Columbia College working towards a BS in Business but due to a job change in 2000, did not complete the course work necessary to complete the degree (about 90 of 120 hours completed). I worked 11 years at Honeywell Micro Switch after graduating from DeVry. In 2000 a German company purchased some product lines from Micro Switch and I moved into a Sales role with them and have worked in that capacity throughout the Midwest over the last 22 years with three different companies.
I was saved by Grace in 2005 on a Mission Trip to Honduras through Crossroads Community Church. My wife  Tracie (30 years!)  and I moved out of the area in 2006 with our first two Children Jordan (28) and Jessica (23) and recently moved back in 2019 with our boys Ethan (10) and Evan (8). Since returning to the area our family has been active participants at Family of Faith Church in Lena. 
I served on the Country Board in 2004-2006 where I was the committee chair for the Planning and Development Committee and then the Administration Committee and left the board when we moved to Michigan in 2006.
I am a Conservative and disciple of Jesus who wants to serve Stephenson County with those two ideals in mind.

Why Your Vote Counts

June 28, 2022

Too many people sit on the sidelines for primary elections especially when the election is about local issues and candidates. I believe this is the place where we should be most interested in participating! Our government is slowly being lost to an ever increasing call from communistic idealists to centralize. This goes against the original idea of the American System of governance which was to have limited governance in a centralized fashion but distributed closer to the people and being held accountable. YOUR VOTE is what holds politicians accountable and when you don't exercise it - we all lose. Please get out and vote on June 28 in the primary election and I would appreciate it if you would vote for me for County Board District I if you have the opportunity.

Assembly Hall

Why Vote for Me?

Ask yourself what is really important to you and why you would vote for someone?

If it is simply what they will do for YOU then you have the wrong person in me.

If you want what is best for all of the people of Stephenson County then you have the right guy!

Chief Qualifications:

Former County Board Member

Fiscal training and management experience

Dedicated Husband and Father who cares about our community

Worked in Technology fields for many years and understands Tech

Other things you should consider:

Disciple of Jesus Christ and all that implies

Fiscal and Social Conservative

Not afraid of the truth but will speak it

I will be a proponent for 

- Families

- Farmers

- Businesses

- The Free Enterprise System 

- Common Sense

- Consumers - not Government Bureaucrats - making choices

- The U.S. and Illinois Constitutions 

- Fiscal Responsibility

- Law Enforcement (unless it abuses it's authority)

- Property rights and lowering or eliminating property taxes

- Morality that aligns with Biblically based morals and God's Word in General

- Voting Integrity - Voter ID - if you can't be sure your vote counts - then what is the point? I am a proponent of paper ballots and machines that are NOT ties to cellular or internet in any way. Early voting needs to be in One Spot that is very public in nature so no one can cheat. We need to have vote counting wrap up on the DAY OF voting and not a week later as we saw in some states in the 2020 election. It was NOT a secure election.

- Staying separate from Springfield - not engaging in it. Let's face it - the State government under Chicago control is a mess and we as Stephenson County need to stand our ground and push back on Mandates, overreach, fiscal irresponsibility, Springfield deciding what is essential and what isn't, cancel culture, etc. etc.

I will stand opposed to

- Enemies of God and our Constitution

- People being forced to support things they don't believe in - especially when they go against God's laws

- The claim you cannot exhibit faith while serving in Government.  This claim leaves one to then act as an Atheist or Humanist to serve in Government - which then is exhibiting faith and promoting one viewpoint over another. You can't have it both ways...where is freedom of religion in this?

- Communism and Socialism - which has never nor will ever work

- Overly Intrusive Government

- Dishonest Media from either side that propagandizes instead of reporting the news

- The Democrat Party as it is currently operating 

- Abortion for any reason - there is a life involved who does not have a voice

Things that need to be Investigated Further

- The County Nursing Home Situation

- Mill Race Crossing

- County Renting Office Space

- Overall County Structure and it's Effectiveness

- Election Integrity (everywhere) and the 2020 Election (nationally) 

Stephenson County District I

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